Henning Gericke
Henning Gericke

Azets Collectors A/S

Lyskaer 3CD - DK-2730, Herlev, Denmark

+45 70 27 31 30

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Welcome to Azets:

Our purpose is our driving force – to improve the lives of our colleagues, our clients, and our communities in a sustainable way.

We are a people-powered business delivering a range of collection, accounting, tax, audit, advisory, and business services providing you with a personal experience, both digitally and at your address.

With over 8,200 talented smart colleagues across our 190 offices, we help leaders and organizations of all shapes and sizes, public sector enterprises and high net-worth private clients achieve their personal and business ambitions.

Whether clients are a start-up or a blue-chip, we save them precious time – so they can focus on what you do best.

A new company with a proud history.

Azets saw the light of day in 2016, as a result of bringing leading-edge UK and Nordic business services companies together. For decades, we have provided business-critical support to thousands of clients throughout the UK and the Nordic region.

As part of Azets, our multi-award-winning Blick Rothenberg brand provides Partner-led, high-quality services to owner-managed businesses, international groups, corporates, overseas listed companies, third-party advisers and private clients seeking proactive advice

In Denmark in 2024, we improved the conditions for serving our clients as the exclusive right of lawyers to bring cases before the courts has been changed so that authorised debt collection companies may now appear before the courts in cases where the debtor has disputed the case, provided that the claim is less than DKK 100,001.

This means that we can offer our clients court processing of their claims at a favourable price without having to pay for an external lawyer

However, the legislator has decided that if a debtor has had to make a declaration of insolvency – which means that the debtor has no property that can be used as security for the creditor’s claim – the debtor cannot be summoned to the bailiff’s court again until 1 year has passed compared to 6 months previously.

As the statute of limitations in Denmark for cases that have been before the courts is 10 years (although only 3 years for interest), this is a significant improvement of the creditor’s rights and minimisation of the creditor’s costs’”